Friday, April 18, 2008

April 18th. Ups and Downs of Chemo....

Hello Everyone,
Here are some pictures of the Mother Daughter Banquet I went to. My mother-in-law takes us girls every year. I just wanted to take my mom and grandma this year. We had a wonderful time together.

The first picture is a doll from my teacher friend Christine. Isn't she the cutest thing. She is called "Comfort" from the wish Sister series from Hallmark. Her saying goes like this Something got you down? C'mon now. Don't let it! You're card for! (And don't you forget it!) the wish Sisters... making the world a better place one magical wish at a time! How great is that. She is just so cute.... Thanks Christine.

Once again I couldn't get Chemo because of some low numbers. This time was the Absolute Neutrophil Count. No clue what it is or what it does... I just know I couldn't get Chemo.

This time at Karmanos was a nightmare. We got there at 9:15 a.m. and didn't get home until 5:30 p.m. (and we just got a mini). I am so glad I get to go to Weisberg for almost all of them.

CT-Scan on the 25th. Doc wants to find out how things are going. I don't know how things can change since I only have had 2 rounds of Chemo. But who knows I am new at this stuff. I go on the April 30th to find out the results and try for round 3 of Chemo. My sister is going with me on this day. So Karmanos watch out!!

Just to let you know I need you all to add my brother-in-law, Greg, back on the Prayer Chain. The bad Cancer is back!!!! He is schedule for surgery on April 25th. Life sometimes just plains SUCKS... But, we will keep fighting the fight.

I was grateful for my mom to be with me again this week, even though it was just a Mini. She sure is a lot of help. thanks Dad for getting some of my summer furniture out. I just love being out doors

We went to Lansing yesterday for Lacrosse and to see Jac. This was my first road trip. My parents, Chelsea, Dawn and Ashlee went with us. Maryjo and her family met us there. We even got to go to lunch at Jac's place of work. We sure did have a great time. Myles team won in case you were wondering.

Kudos goes to the St. Angela families who are wonderful to keep feeding us: The Decks, Badali's ,the Saladke and the Sieradzki family. We sure are blessed. Thanks again....

Just to let you know I finally got the bags($10) and the stars ($1) for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. I will be walking on May 3rd at 10:00 a.m. and going back at 9:30 p.m. to see the bags lite up. It is at the Warren Community Center. If you are interested please let me know. I need all bags, stars and money by April 30th. Thanks for your support to those who have already helped me out.

Keep the prays and the cards coming they sure do help. For those who write on my blog THANK YOU!!! It means a lot to me. It is great hearing from you all. It gives me something to do. Keep it up. And for those who just read and don't post a comment shame on you!!!!

Thanks to the Iovan and Sortman family for the flowers this week. They sure are pretty.

Remember to Live, Love, Laugh one day at time....
