Friday, May 2, 2008

May 1, 2008 Think Spring

I am singing for my supper! Lori Rocks!!!!!

Mike is giving it a try!!! The beat goes on with Sally!
The back up singers are rockin' the house! Ronald beats to his on tune!!!

Rock and Roll Band Night!!!
The gang got to together at Lori and Kevin's house. We had a great time. Look out American Idol here we come..... Hahahah

I finally completed Round 3 of Chemo.... Yeah!!!!! Things down at Karmanos went pretty smooth. I think they were warned about my sister. My CT Scan came back good. Things are looking good. Doc says I can start volunteering at the school for a couple of hours. Yeah!!! Getting a little restless. He still wants to keep me on Chemo for six months. But now all my treatments will be at Weisbergs, and I will only go down to Karmonos for my doctors appointments. The visits were just to long with my treatments. So I am happy about that.

We had some out of towners for a visit last week-end Jon and Lisa who live in Indian River. We had to take them to Netties for dinner. They just loved it.. Thanks for the visit and the pie.

Dinners by the ST. Anglea family has come to an end. I want to thank you all for helping me out sooooo much. We really appreciated all that you did. Yes Geri Krause you still owe me a dinner from Lou's Pizza, if we can ever get there when their opened. Plus the Switalski family owes me one dinner from Paul's. So I will let you know when I want the food!!!
Family Update...

Jac is finally done with school. She is staying up there working until May 17th. Then she will come home and get ready for her study abroad program to Italy. She will be gone for SIX WEEKS, what am I going to do with out her. I sure an going to miss her.

Myles is working hard at Lacrosse and at school. Hopefully his job at the boat docks start real soon. He has run out of gas money.

We are still working on the family room. We bought the stones and the mantel. The floor has been ordered. Maybe by the middle of May that room will be the way we want it.... Son as that room is done we can get the boat in the water. I can't wait to take the boat out of the well and park out and watch the sunsets. That will be my stress release.

My Relay for Cancer walk is tomorrow. I want to thank all of you who bought a bag, a star or donated money. I really appreciate all your support. Your are the GREATEST. I will try and take pictures of the event and post them on the next blog. I don't know what I would do without your love and support. All you guys are my rock....
I received a real inspirational gift this week. It came from the Schultz family (St. Angela) . The gift was The Clinging Cross, a wooden cross that goes in the palm of your hands. I used it during my chemo treatment. It most of worked. If you want to see on go to "not so plan jane gifts". There you can see my new cross. Thank you so much I love it.
Remember to Live, Love, Laugh...... one day at a time.......