Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Summer is Over!!!!

September 9. 2009

Well I am back to work. Geting to know all the new kids is a challenge, but it is fun. Meet with my NEW doctor a couple of weeks ago. I think I will like him and his nurse. For now on all my treatments and visits will be done at Weisberg Center. I am truely happy about that.
I went for my first doctor/chemo appointment. Guess What I was done in 2 hours and 15 minutes. Worlds Record..... The CAT-SCAN showed that there is fluid around the upper right lung. I will need to do CAT-SCANS every month now to make sure the fluid doesn't get bigger. For now I can stay on the maintence Chemo plan and hopefully it stays the same.

So keep the prayers coming...

Jac is back at school completing her last year at MSU.... She graduates in May... YEAH>
She is working on campus in the advertising office there. Her new apartment is beautiful. She just loves it there. Her new address is 314 MAC apt. 304 E. Lansing MI 48823, She enjoys getting mail. So drop her line when you can.

Myles is also completing his last year at DeLaSalle. Yes I have two kids graduating this year. But it is ALL ABOUT MYLES this Year!!!!! He is working still at the boat docks and playing house hockey for a former coach. Life is good for Myles.

Thanks to our wonderful friend Jon he did Myles's graduation pictures. They are so cool... You will just have to wait and see them... Save the date for his party: Friday, June 25th!!

Matt is working and trying to get more fishing in whenever he can. He has been so supportive with everything. I thank God everyday for him.

Everything else is the same. Thanks to everyone who is still reading the blog.. Whenever I get more news I will post it for you to continue reading.
