Monday, July 6, 2009

Status Quo

Hello to Everyone who is still reading my blog,

As I keep running into people they say they are reading my blog. I haven't wrote anything because I didn't think people were still catching up on me.. I know you all care and pray for me, so I will update you...

NOTHING HAS CHANGED!! Everything is the same... CAT-SCAN came back the same, which is a good thing. So I will continue with Chemo every 3rd week.. and my pills. Side effects are minimum. I will be getting a new doctor. My doctor is leaving the practice to go to Georgia. I met my new doctor at the end of the month. Hopefully he can put up with me.

Jac is still in California. She is doing a NON PAID internship in advertising. She says she will be home around Aug. 7th. I sure do miss her. Myles is still working at the boat dock and playing hockey. Matt is working and trying to get on the boat as much as we can. This weather stinks...

Thanks to everyone who helped with the RELAY For LIFE WALK.. I really appreciate all that you did.. Look for new events to help me raise money for the walk.. (Road Rally, Euchre party and a purse party are just a few of the events I hope to do).

My trip with the girls to Napa Valley was GREAT!!! We had a super time. Thanks to my Yellow Rose Friends for making it a time to remember. You guys are the best.

Keep the prayers coming for my brother-in-law Greg. His throat cancer came back. He sure is a fighter. He is home resting and trying to get his strength up. My mother in-law is home from rehab, she fell and broke her arm.. What a long recovery she had.
We have been busy keeping the family togther. But other than that life is pretty much the same.. I will be busy for the next few eeks: going to Florida with Jenny and her sisters then up north with my family to celebrate my moms birthday, a baby shower, birthday parties and teaching summer school.. But that is it.

Enjoy the summer and keep the prayers coming

As always....


As I get more news I will keep you updated.