Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 17,2008 Getting By!

Here is my new saying:
Live with a heart full of dreams
Love from the depth of your soul
And embrace every moment of laughter....

My niece Ashlee bought me a necklace of Live, Love Laugh and that was the saying on the box. I just loved it. I thought I would share it with you all.

Well I finally completed Round 4 of Chemo. Mom and Dad were with me for the week. Nothing is better than someone taking care of you! Thanks mom and dad. I appreciate all that you do!!!

The count down is on EIGHT more days and Jac leaves for Italy. I am happy on one hand and extremely sad on the other. I will miss her sooooo much. But I know she will have the time of her life. Six weeks is not to long, but not seeing her for that long is going to be hard. We are going to spend this last week together doing girlie stuff, nails, movies, shopping, eating and Chemo.

Myles has started his summer job at the boat docks this last week. Finally, he can afford the gas for his truck. It has been a long winter. He has only one Lacrosse game left. Then on to hockey in June. Got to keep that boy busy.

A late Happy Birthday goes out to Ashlee (matt's niece) and Jenna who turned 21 ( my girlfriend Sheri's oldest). Boy does that make me feel old. We have one of the girls old enough to go out with us. Come on Yellow Roses we need to take her out with us and show her how it is done. (Yeah right we are lucky if we make it to 12:00 p.m.

Tonight our good friend Ross turns the big 40!!! We are going to party like Rock Stars. I will post some pictures on the next blog! Hopefully people will dress the part tonight.

I have started to go into work on Monday and Tuesday's from 9-12. Just volunteering my services. Helping out were I am needed. I am looking forward to dinner with the teachers on Monday night. It looks like there is 14 of us going. I am so blessed to have great friends.

The family room is starting to shape up. Matt, John and my dad put in the sub floor. Matt will paint the room this week-end. And hopefully the rocks on the fireplace will go up in about a week or so. Then the rest is up to Ross to wire us up. I am praying that this room gets done by Memorial Week-end, because it is time for BOATING season. I am in need of the water and hot weather.

My next Doctors appointment is May 27th. We will wait and see what the Doc has to say. Trying to get a handle on the side effects. This last time has slowed me up. I need to stay close to home. I am so grateful my parents were here to help out.

Matt is looking for a someone to walk with. I can't walk as fast as him. So let him know if you are willing and able. He must start exercising because of his sugar level isn't doing the greatest. So if anyone is up to the challenge of getting my husband to walk, please, please step right up. I need your help.....

Speaking of help our Church needs help for their Summerfest. Gerri, Debbie and I are in charge of gift baskets. So if you have anything that you would like to donate: gift cards, sporting event tickets, or any new items let me know. We will be putting together as many baskets as we can. I would appreciate any help we can get.

Well that is about all that is happening here. I truly would love to hear from you, so leave me a line on the blog. Look for Jac's blog of Italy soon to come. I will post the blog site as soon as she gets it up and going. That is how I will be able to see what she is up to.

Remember to Live, Love, Laugh one day at a time.....