Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 Rolling with the Punches



This is what I believe is happening to us as we take this journey!

Sunday is where I left off. This day was a day that I was suppose to play cards with my grandma and friends. Well, lets say I felt I was back to square one. I was in constant pain from 1:00 P.M. until about 10:00 p.m. I even had to go back on my pain pills (YES Linda I took them)! Not willing, but the pain was too strong. So I only got in one game of cards. Dinner was delivered by the Peters again! My family was in heaven. Thanks so much Cindy.

Monday, a day of pampering by my mom and dad. They took care of me, since I was exhausted from yesterday. I laid in bed most of the day! I even go lunch served to me in bed. That was wonderful. I was still whipped, and didn't get to go to Myles's hockey game. Everyone else went: Dad, grandma, uncle and father. Mom and I stayed home. Later that evening my sister and her husband came over so we could celebrate my niece Stephanie's b-day! Hey, Stephanie I need that facial before I start Chemo.

Tuesday was a much better day. I felt so much better! I was able to play Scrabble with my grandma and Jenny. My parents left to go back home. Thanks mom and dad for being here with me. That night I spent playing cards with Jenny. Jenny's sister Brenda and Aunt Sharon. I was greatful for them to come over and entertain me. I love playing games!!!!!

Wednesday the day we have been waiting for finally came! Greg took me to met Matt at Karmanoes, were we got our next plan of action. So here it goes: Next Tuesday I get my port in and the week after that I go to back to the doctors for blood work and a Chemo class. Then we will start Chemo one day every other week. Good news, I get to take the Chemo home with me and go back 2 days later they disconnect the medicine. Won't that be great! Also, I shouldn't lose alot of my hair. It might just get thinned. Oh, am I am happy about that. So it was a pretty successful day! I even went to see Myles play hockey.

I received another angel to my collection Angel of Heart by my friend Angie and her family. Thanks so much! I just love them. Also, a big thank you goes on to my Washington Family. They have given me money to put towards a cleaning lady to come and clean for me while I am sick. This will help me and my family out! Everyone is taking such good care of me. I am so greatful.

Thanks again for the cards, response to my blog and the visits. I love you all so very much.. Have a great Valentine's Day and remember to...

Live, Laugh and Love one day at a time....

(some people wanted my email address

Sunday, February 10, 2008

February 10, 2008 Ups and Downs.

Its been a few days, but the excitment doesn't stop.

"For I know the plan I have
for you...
Plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
This message was on a decorative jar my brother Paul and his wife Anne gave me!

Lets go back to Thursday ... Once again it started with a breakfast outing with Matt's sister Kim. She also took me to a few stores. Thanks Kim! I then needed to come home and rest for my second visiting to the Weisberg Center. Let me tell you the place was what I was hoping for to do my Chemo treatments. Jane, Matt and I took a tour of the building. Words can't describe it. They have a waterfall, beautiful art and warm inviting atmosphere. So when Doc gives me the green light that is where I will go. We will find out all the details out on Wednesday.

Friday was a relaxing morning for me. Nobody came oh sorry Jane had to come a get a prescribition filled for Myles. Who is still sick with a cold. But for the most day I rested. Until....Matt called from work he said I am on my way home with......PINK EYE!!!! YES, you heard me PINK EYE!!!!. (I have had pink eye every year for about 12 years and he has never got it) BUT now he has it. The work clinic doctor said it was the worst case he has seen. I laughed at him until.... I saw his eyes, they were oozing the junk out of them. Out came the gloves and the Clorox Wipes. Once again I was off to Jac's room to sleep..

I did manage to go out Friday evening when the patient was set for the night. My friend Sheri and Mike had the gang all over. It was great to see everyone. We had great food, good laughs and a wonderful time. (Even though I was wishing Matt was there!)

Saturday Morning was an emotional day for Jac and I. This is the day she donated her hair for cancer! She cut 8 inches off. I was crying more than she was. Now the cut matchesher attitude ... SASSY!!! What a great girl she is. I truly was moved by her. Check out the pictures. People have been asking me for her address so here it is... 135 Collingwood Ave. Apt 7 East Lansing, Mi 48823.

Dinner was waiting for us (Jac and I that is, Matt had to stay at home) at Matt's mom and dad. They have been wanting to see me for awhile now. Some of the other family members were there. We had a great visit. Thanks Mom and Dad for the great meal. (YES I took home a doggie bag for Matt).

I spent a relaxing evening nursing my husband!! We watched movies and I put eye drops in his eyes.

Today I am looking forward to our annual game of Hand & Foot, with my grandma, Jenny, and Jenny's Aunt Sharon. Once a year we would go down to my Moms and play cards with my grandma, so this year she is coming to me. I am so excited. I love to play cards.

In case you are wondering where is Myles during our exciting week-end, he is with Matts family down in Troy, Ohio-- for Brandon's Surprise 30th Birthday. They all went to play Broom Ball--it's played on ice. I can't wait to see the pictures. Karen-- I heard you did an excellent job planning this wonderful event. Kudos go out to you! Sorry we missed out on all the fun!

A Huge Thank-you goes out to Mr. Tignanelli--- Van Dyke's Assistant Curriculum & Instruction for getting my Blog approved so my Van Dyke family can read my blog. This means so much to me. Thank you again....

Well the patient is up and I must get back to my job, break time is over.

Remember to LIVE, LOVE AND day at a time...

P.S. My spell check is not working so I am sorry for any mistakes I make... I need to find out what the problem is.