Saturday, April 5, 2008

April 5, 2008 To More Beautiful Week-ends

Ok people pretend this stick person can dance. I couldn't up load the video of this women dancing. So use your imagination and make the stick women dance.... It's beautiful women month! And all my girlie friends are beautiful... so here's to you. ( sorry men maybe next month will be for you).

Life is good. This chemo round was a whole lot better. Just a few side effects, but we are working on them.

We are keeping busy with Myles and his lacrosse. I am glad he has something to occupy his time. (Plus we have something to do!)

Thanks to the dinner crew this week you guys are truly amazing: McGillen's, Sieradzki's and the Swiltalski's. We sure do appreciate all that you do. thank you to all the St. Angela Families that helped me through the difficult months. I do believe the road is going to go smoother from now on. I have faith and lots of people praying for me. Thanks to our friends from up north the Steele family that brought over a breakfast dish. It was great!

This week we stayed close to home. I did get out and played Euchre and won!!!!!

New friends and old friends stopped by to check on me. I am so glad we have so many wonderful friends.

I soon will be calling on you guys to take me to my treatments now that they got all the bugs taking care of. Jacqueline did get to be with me on the last round with Matt and his sister Kim. That was a nice surprise. Plus, Linda and Cheryl (teachers from school), had the pleasure of taking me on Friday to remove the "Sh,, Bag". Thanks guys for taking me.

I am asking for my wonderful support people to add Greg (my brother-in-law) to your prayers this week as he is waiting on test results. We are hoping that the cancer has not come back. He has been through a lot. Greg, I know you are cancer free, your truly an amazing person. Please keep up the faith and you will get through this . ( I know it didn't come back because this is my 6 months to be the Queen. You had your year to be the King. So I have got the throne now. So be gone with you!)

Enjoy your week.. I have a class on Monday on how to take of myself during this time. Plus I am going into work to celebrate reading month and find out the winners who raised the most pennies for patients. The winners are going to Olive Garden, I think I will go with them. Hey, Linda schedule it on a Monday or a Tuesday. We also have Lacrosse and we are going to try and watch one of Myles friends Padraic play Rugby on Friday. Oh I forgot to add the dry wall person is coming on Monday. We sure are busy this week....

Thanks for the cards, emails and prayers, they truly help me since I am stuck at home and can't work. I love you all.

Remember to Live, love, laugh..... One day at a time....

Sunday, March 30, 2008

March 31, 2008 Opening Day!

Batter Up!!!!

Getting ready to bat the next round of Chemo!

So go Tigers!!!!!!!

Take Hold of Today

Make this your moment -

your time in the sun,

your chance to do something

that you've never done.

Forget about "should haves"

and "might haves" and "could haves"

Reach out and take hold of today!!

Well Easter came and went. We went to both sides of the family and had good food, good time and good memories. We celebrated Matt's, Paul's, Jodie's and Shawn's birthday. This is the only time Matt's birthday was on Easter day.

March 25th we went to the Schools fund raiser and Big Boys. It was great seeing everyone. The Washington People really worked hard. We just sat and ate. We even won a pie. Matt insisted on giving it my boss Darlene. Enjoy it Dar!!!

March 26th a Mini Round of Chemo. Sheri and Dawn had the pleasure of taking me. Had a rough start but it all turned out ok. We almost have the mini down pat. Thanks guys for being there with me..

March 28th I stopped by work for a few hours to catch up with the students and staff. Boy I was whipped.

That night Jane, Tom, Ross and Jenny helped Matt celebrate his birthday. We went to Tom's Oyster bar for dinner and back here to continue the celebration. This is going to be the longest 6 months being sober for me. They were so funny! We sure did have a good time.

Myles finally returned from AZ! He had a great time. Thanks to the Sieradzki family for taking him with you. Maybe next time I will be able to go and rest and relax.

Saturday we went to see Myles play Lacrosse. The won 4-2. It sure is a rough sport. We sure will be busy with his schedule.

At night we went to Anne's mom's 85th birthday party in Richmond. She looks great!

Thanks to the dinner crew this week: Badali's and the Siladke's.

Enjoy the game go Tigers!!!

Have a great week. The next up date will be after my next Maxi Chemo Round!

Remember to Live, Love, Laugh.....One Day at a Time......